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HomeLifestyleCrime NewsGovernment of Antigua and Barbuda to hold consultations on legalizing abortion

Government of Antigua and Barbuda to hold consultations on legalizing abortion

Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin has declared that the government is considering talks about whether or not to legalize abortion. The public’s opinion will also be considered in the making of the decision.

“It is intended to have some public discussions on the matter and then make a determination as to where we go from there. I know the public interest has been piqued by the intended delivery of a verdict in the United States in the case of Roe v Wade.

“At the moment, abortion is contrary to the laws of Antigua and Barbuda and it has remained so for several years in the past. We shall look at it at the appropriate time,” Benjamin said in an interview.

“There are many persons who are of the view, and I share that particular view, that abortions ought to be given in special circumstances. For example, where the health of the mother is concerned or where the pregnancy results from an act of violence such as rape and other matters like that; the government would have to consider at the appropriate time,” he continued.

According to current laws, any woman who “procures her own miscarriage” is subject to up to 10 years imprisonment.

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