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HomeHeadlines That MatterSt Peter’s Youth turn out in large Numbers to UPP Branch Meeting

St Peter’s Youth turn out in large Numbers to UPP Branch Meeting

Last evening over 200 young persons were treated to keen presentations from three political hopefuls as they outlined their  plans for the St Peters Constituency once they are successfully selected by branch member when the United Progressive Party Holds its Primary in the St Peters Constituency.

Member of the Branch heard from Caretaker, Community Activist Colin Isaac who is also in the trade of vehicular repairs and body works along with Entrepreneur and Youth Parliamentarian Chaneil Imhoff and National footballer and Businessman Tevaughn “Peter Redz” Harriette.

All three prospects pledge to work with the successful contender who would eventually fill the final seat on the UPP’s Slate of Candidates for the Next General Election constitutionally due in 2023 although Prime Minister Gaston Brown Hinted of Early Elections In 2021.

(Tevaughn Harriette)

One thing was certain at the meeting last evening was that there is energy amongst the Youth in the St Peters Constituency. When ask as to why they were at the meeting a number of the young people from the community expressed their disgust at the way the constituency is been neglected by the current representative and his Government although the St Peters Constituency have been the Most Loyal Constituency to the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party. 

They also spoke to the infrastructure,  Unemployment amongst the youth, health care facilities, and general cleanliness of the communities which make up the St Peters Constituency.  They expressed the point that they are not their parent who will vote blindly for the Labour Party. Our parents were party loyalist we are community and country loyalist.

(Chaneil Imhoff)

We are tired of the current MP who absents himself and then show up handing out $100 bills and then disappears treating us like crackheads.  We now need a representative from the area that looks like us and care for us. We tired of been embarrassed by the reported behavior of our representative when he is drunk and the scandals which surround him. Look how Gaston fire him from the Cabinet two times were some of the sentiment expressed last evening.

If last evenings meeting is an indicator of the mood of the constituency, then all eyes will be on the St Peters Constituency in the upcoming Elections. Trumpet news will carry coverage of the Primary in St Peters.  

(Colin Isaac)

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