HomeHeadlines That MatterDominica's Opposition Party Challenges Citizenship by Investment Program in Court
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Dominica’s Opposition Party Challenges Citizenship by Investment Program in Court

Dominica’s opposition party, the United Workers Party (UWP), is taking legal action against the government concerning the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program. This program allows foreign investors to gain citizenship in exchange for significant investments aimed at advancing Dominica’s socio-economic development.

At a news conference, UWP president Lennox Linton, joined by former Trinidad and Tobago Attorney General Anand Ramlogan, explained that deciding to sue the government was a challenging but necessary step. “We have long advocated for transparency and accountability in the CBI program,” Linton stated. “Our goal is to protect the program’s integrity and ensure it meets its intended national development objectives.”

Linton emphasized that the UWP has sought legal opinions and deliberated extensively before proceeding with this decision, acknowledging the difficulty of suing a government they aim to serve. Ramlogan noted that the CBI program has raised significant funds meant for public benefit and stressed the importance of public accountability and good governance.

The legal team plans to request access to the agreement governing the CBI program, asserting that all government revenue should be subject to parliamentary oversight. This case is seen as pivotal not just for Dominica, but for the Caribbean region as a whole, as it may help define the government’s responsibilities to its citizens.


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