Home Headlines That Matter Doctors Await Possible Surge of Dangerous Child Complication MIS-C

Doctors Await Possible Surge of Dangerous Child Complication MIS-C

As Coronavirus cases continue to fall, doctors in the US await a spike in a new aggressive multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, commonly known as MIS-C.

The condition is an effect of the Coronavirus infection and can show up weeks after a mild or even asymptomatic case of Covid.

Reports say that it causes inflammation and in rare cases affect the heart, brain, kidney and lungs. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, conjunctivitis and low blood pressure.

Most MIS-C cases have not been fatal, but just last week, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported that a 10-year-old from the southeast part of the state died within the past month from MIS-C.

A study published Monday found that during the winter of 2020-21, there was one MIS-C hospitalization for every Covid-19 hospitalization for children 5 to 11 years old.

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