HomeHeadlines That MatterPlanned Parenthood Association hosts Health Day in All Saints Village

Planned Parenthood Association hosts Health Day in All Saints Village

The Antigua Planned Parenthood Association (APPA) hosted a community health day at the Mack Pond football field in All Saints Village on Thursday, where they offered free health services and drug education to residents.

Katherine Richardson, Executive Director of the Antigua Planned Parenthood Association, said the event marked the beginning of a broader initiative to extend their services to various communities across the island.

“The Antigua and Barbuda Planned Parenthood Association is having a series of community health days. We are bringing our services out to the community of All Saints, and this is only the first one because we’re planning to go to other communities,” Richardson explained.



The AIDS Secretariat was also present, displaying information about their mission and services.

Their booth showcased their free offerings including lubricants, dental dams, male and female condoms, as well as free and confidential HIV and syphilis testing.

The outreach, which ran from 2pm to 5pm, featured a significant drug awareness component, with representatives from the drug division of the Antigua and Barbuda Police Force displaying educational materials and contraband that had been seized during searches at the VC Bird International Airport.

The display included informational charts categorizing various narcotics, stimulants, depressants, alcohol, inhalants, and other controlled substances.

Police representatives highlighted the concerning trend of drug packaging designed to mimic candy and sweets, which could easily be mistaken by unsuspecting adults or children, potentially leading to unintended consumption and harmful effects.



Ingrid Daniel, President of the Antigua Planned Parenthood Association, emphasized the comprehensive nature of the health services offered at the event.

“We do everything, any form of testing; as I said, HPV. We would do DNA as well. We do blood sugar, HIV, blood pressure, syphilis, gonorrhoea. We just want everybody to be aware of their status and then we can be able to help them resolve that,” she explained.

The health day offered free services including blood pressure screening, blood glucose testing, cholesterol screening, HIV and STI testing, health and wellness counseling, along with family planning consultations. Light refreshments were also available for attendees.

One of the nurses assisting with testing noted that approximately 90 percent of persons who had attended by mid-afternoon were male, with attendance increasing as the day progressed. They described this as “exciting,” since most of the men took advantage of the entire panel of tests being offered.



The APPA plans to continue these community health days in other areas, with Gray’s Farm being considered for their next event.

For more information about future outreach activities, contact the Antigua Planned Parenthood Association at 268-462-0947.


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