Beachgoers will benefit from sometime in the sun and blue crystal waters on V.C. Bird Day.
Usually, since the instillation of the State of Emergency protocols following the covid-19 pandemic, the general public has not been permitted to access beaches on public holidays but on December 9th which is “Papa Bird” Day that pattern will change.
It was confirmed in the Cabinet press briefing on Thursday that regulations will be altered to allow beaches to remain open from 5:00 am to 1:00 pm. However, continuing the restrictions, there shall be no music, no drinks and no picnicking on the public beaches on that day.
Regarding the treatment for the Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day holidays Cabinet noted that they have yet to make a decision on the regulations for beaches.
One matter that has however been decided upon for those holidays specifically Old Year’s night going into New Year’s morning is permission for church goers to conduct their customary Old Year services.
Churches will be allowed to remain open and available to worshipers until 1:00am, and that the curfew hours will be adjusted accordingly.
Private parties on that night will also be covered by the same adjusted extension of the curfew until 1:00am. There will be social distancing, mask wearing, and a 25-person limit imposedon all public and private affairs held indoors, with the exception of churches.