Home Headlines That Matter LETTER: Is UPP Facing Political Retribution? Questions Arise Amid Party Challenges

LETTER: Is UPP Facing Political Retribution? Questions Arise Amid Party Challenges

As the UPP confronts mounting challenges, questions emerge about whether they are experiencing political retribution for past decisions.

As the UPP confronts mounting challenges, questions emerge about whether they are experiencing political retribution for past decisions.

Dear Editor,

Presently, what is happening to the UPP political party may need to be recorded in the Guisness Book of Records.

Never in history have I heard a political party having a membership hemorrhaging in such a manner. As the nation’s main opposition political party, the hemorrhaging of UPP does not look good neither does it sound good whatsoever.

Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction”

Furthermore, the bible, in Galatians 6:7, 8: states that people reap what they sow, and that those who sow to the flesh will reap corruption, while those who sow to the Spirit will reap eternal life.

The hierarchy of the organization was forewarned many moons ago that their modus of operandi of thriving on lies, anger, deceipt, hate, deception & bitterness were the characteristics that certainly would not propel the organization forward & definitely, would cause the organization’s downfall. Such warning seem to have fallen on deaf ears. Now, they are sadly paying the price.

It is really unfortunate that UPP has found themselves in this position, losing their members similarly to a tree losing its leaves during spring time. It is obvious that UPP is doing something wrong and up to now the hierarchy seem to be blind of their wrong doings. I can only conclude that UPP is facing retribution.

According to the cliché “the evil you do will always come back to haunt you”.

Perhaps Never should UPP ……..

1 Wish death on ABLP members  just to gain a political seat in parliament.
2. Make personal & derogative attacks on the PM because of his mother’s illness
3. Condone the disrespect given to women from some of their own MPs
4. Accept  our elderly been called as “Rag Tags”
5. Acknowledge the ungrateful & insensitive comments made by one of their own that the works of Father of the nation should be place in the dustbin of history . Again the Dr in question, owes the nation an apology
6. Encourage cohabiting of same sex and refer to it as progressive
7. Condone such insipid behavior of sticking up of the middle finger to the PM & refer to the speaker of parliament as an old teste
8. Condone the use of threatening statements about getting a gun license to kill ….. Of course the list can on & on.

There is no doubt that UPP needs healing. The party also needs prayer. Perhaps if the fruit of the spirit ( love, joy, peace,, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulfulness, gentleness & self control ) found in Galatians 5: 22 – 23 are embedded within them, then the party may find themselves to be a lot more viable


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