Home Headlines That Matter Antigua and Barbuda Passes Tough New Bills to Combat Crime

Antigua and Barbuda Passes Tough New Bills to Combat Crime

Antigua and Barbuda’s Lower House has approved two major bills aimed at cracking down on crime: the Anti-Gang Bill 2024 and the Firearms Amendment Bill.

The Anti-Gang Bill 2024 introduces severe penalties for gang-related activities, including up to 10 years in prison for gang formation and up to 15 years for gang leadership. The bill also penalizes falsely claiming gang membership with a 10-year sentence and treats minors involved in gangs as adults in certain cases. It also imposes harsh penalties for recruiting children, especially near schools and churches.

The Firearms Amendment Bill, which has passed the committee stage and awaits Senate debate, increases penalties for firearm offenses from a maximum of two years to up to five years in prison.

These new laws underscore the government’s commitment to addressing rising crime rates and signal a firm stance against criminal activities, according to Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin.

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