There is strong criticism of a recent iron band procession through a St John’s street, in which many participants were not adhering to the Covid-19 protocols.

The Chief of Staff in the Prime Minister’s office, Lionel Hurst sounded the alarm in blasting persons who ignore safety protocols.
“Someone sent me a video clip [on Sunday] of people returning home from a funeral and at the funeral and at the funeral there was an iron band and the iron band travelled down on of the popular streets in St John’s,” he said. “The vast majority of the people in the iron band, coming from the cemetery and those looking on, on the side and so on were not wearing masks.”
The video portrays people dancing to the band, some packed closely making their way through the street jovially.
Hurst believes that some may have become complacent since the new illness has not impacted the country as harshly as other placed in the world.
The recording was widely circulated in recent days and comes amid a recent rise in Covid-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda.
The country has recorded 176 laboratory confirmed cases of the virus and now has 19 active cases.