Head of the Plant Protection Unit Dr Janil Gore-Francis is appealing to residents to continue to exercise vigilance in eradicating the Giant African Snails, which are now out in their numbers as a result of the wet conditions.

Gore-Francis says the rainy conditions, which the island has been experiencing over the past week, are ideal for the snails, as they thrive during this period.
She says some persons have become complacent with collection of the invasive species during the dry period, a time in which the snails hibernate.
Gore-Francis says that in addition to destroying the snails with salt, there are other integrated methods which can be deployed in managing the population, including using bait or a mollus-ci-cide.
She says that the snails are attracted to the poisonous bait.
She adds that incorporating these methods with the destruction of the snail’s eggs will prove more effective in helping to eradicate the invasive species.