CABINET NOTES: The Cabinet invited several officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and a private farmer to sit with members over lunch to discuss increasing food security, by producing more poultry-meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables.
It was agreed that water storage by farmers is absolutely necessary in light of the tendency to drought and floods, in this uncertain climate.
Global climate-change has resulted in unusual patterns of rainfall and drought; therefore, storing rain and runoff is necessary on every farm and would therefore require the building of many small and large damps.
Although self-sufficient in egg production, the cost of chicken feed is likely to increase overtime; therefore, local production of poultry feed is likely to become a necessity if prices are to be held down.
The Cabinet will continue to encourage backyard gardening and increased food production across the country.
The abandoned coconut plantation in Barbuda, for example, is to be put to productive use working with the Barbuda Council.