Let’s Get the Bolans Fire Station Completed!
The people of St. Mary’s South deserve safety, security, and a government that follows through on its commitments. This is the foundation of the Bolans Fire Station, located next to the Police Station. Construction has stalled for years. This is more than just an eyesore—it’s a serious risk to both the police officers who serve our community and the residents who depend on emergency services in times of crisis.
We cannot continue to ignore the reality: without a properly equipped fire station, homes, businesses, and lives remain vulnerable. The recent house fire in Urlings is a painful reminder of what’s at stake. When emergencies strike, minutes matter—and yet, our first responders are left without the resources they need to protect us.
The well-being of our families, our businesses, and our frontline workers must come first. I am calling on the relevant authorities to prioritize the completion of this critical project without further delay. Our community cannot afford to wait any longer.
Let’s come together, push for action, and ensure that St. Mary’s South gets the emergency services it deserves.
#smsdeservesbetter #prioritizesafety #emergencyservicesarevital #completethefirestation