~All medalled athletes from islands where Sandals operates, to receive weeklong stays at luxury chain for their Paris Olympics performances~
September 8, 2024 – Sandals Resorts International, in a show of celebration following the extraordinary performance of Caribbean athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics, extended complimentary vacations to all medallists from the islands where the resort brand operates.

Jamaican top performers, Rojé Stona, Kishane Thompson, Shanieka Ricketts, Rajindra Campbell, Wayne Pinnock and Rasheed Broadbell will receive week-long stays at any Sandals or Beaches resort in the Caribbean. Saint Lucia’s Olympic champion Julien Alfred, alongside Grenada’s star athletes Lindon Victor and Anderson Peters will also receive complimentary one-week vacations at any Sandals or Beaches resort across the region

“The Olympic Games are always a special time for us here in the Caribbean. Our athletes are incredibly talented and we are thrilled to witness their wins and record-making performances. On behalf of our entire Sandals family, we excitedly celebrate with our Olympic medallists and we look forward to hosting them for a relaxing vacation at Sandals,” shared Executive Chairman for Sandals Resorts International, Adam Stewart.
This latest show of support for Caribbean athletes has become a hallmark of Sandals Resorts as they made a similar offering to athletes at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The resort chain has also been a major sponsor of regional sports such as the West Indies Cricket team and multiple motorsport athletes among many others.