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Little Growth for Antigua and Barbuda’s Economy

By the end of the year, data will be collected to analyze and assess Antigua and Barbuda’s economic development, according to Lionell Max Hurst, Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister’s Office.

The economy of Antigua and Barbuda has risen, not collapsed, according to Max Hurst.

“We haven’t done all the measurements,” he continued, “but there is some indication that Antigua and Barbuda’s economy has risen a little.”

“By the end of the year, for sure, we’ll have all of the data, and we’ll be able to say whether there has been an increase,” he said.

Because of the COVID 19 pandemic, a major fraction of tourists to Antigua the twin-island has declined, according to Max Hurst.

He went on to explain that this year has been the strongest economic year in the prior two years, notwithstanding the pandemic.

“The pandemic has had a significant influence on our tourism,” he explained, “but this year the cruise ships are starting to return and more and more airlines are adding more and more flights to Antigua.”

The administration of Antigua and Barbuda is optimistic that this tourism season would bring additional visitors to the island’s coastlines, who might spend money while on vacation, boosting economic activity.