Home Headlines That Matter Smith Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison

Smith Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison

Joshua Smith of Green Bay was sentenced to 18 months at Her Majesty’s Prison, after pleading guilty to a charge of receiving stolen items, and breaching curfew regulations.

He appeared before Chief Magistrate Walsh on Tuesday 19th January, and was sentenced to one year for receiving, and six months for breaching curfew regulations.

His sentences will run consecutively. Smith was apprehended by the police on January 15th with a number of household appliances and electronic items inside a vehicle. The items were stolen from a property in Ottos.

Meanwhile, several people were convicted in the St. Johns Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday for breaching Covid-19 protocols.

Ingrid Jennings of Kentish Road, the owner of Chippies Hot Spot located on Kentish Road was fined $2,500.00 for breach of Restriction on Social Gathering.
She has until February 26th to pay the fine or serve six months in prison.

Also, Glen Strann of Desouza Road, Cemona James of Seaview Farm and Ita M. King of Golden Grove were all fined $500.00 each for breaching curfew regulations.

Both Strann and James have until January 29th, while King has until February 5th to pay the fines or serve one month in prison.

Likewise, Emmanuel Lewis of Herbert’s Estate was convicted and fined $500.00 for breaching curfew, and an additional $1,000.00 for driving without a valid driver’s licence, and $1,500.00 for driving without Insurance.
He has until 26th January to pay the fines.