This would Have been an epic weekend for many, who began planning in their mines, since they danced to their last tune during the Carnival parade and last lap of the 2019. 2020 was to be an opportunity to express their talents in music, artistry and various forms, which made our summer festival the greatest.

2020 was to be a year of vision, a year of excitement, a year when kings would defend their crown and Queens of Carnival pass theirs to their successors, as they strut the stage for their final Royal walk. No Jaycees, No Calypso Monarch, No Parade for the children, NO JOUVERT! NO MASS! NO PANORAMA! NO pre Carnival BACCHANAL? for some it is unbelievable, while for others unexpected. This is too much to comprehend in ones thought. Take me back to 2019 PLEASEEEEE!
For many this is the first time Carnival have ever been Cancelled, No tourist to line the street to watch the Parade. Family member who normally come home for carnival is now coming home to avoid COVID. The vendors, the band leaders, the wholesalers, Retail Stores, Hair Salons, Barbershops, trucking companies, are all suffering as they looked forward to making a little extra money during this period. This 2020 is turning out to be economically the worst year in the lives of many.

Me Just Can’t Believe! is the sentiment of many Revellers, What am I suppose to do Monday and Tuesday? Well, I guess spend quality family time reading with the children, watch a movie, go to the beach, do some farming. This is not the summer we all expected. The early warning signs were there, but we yearned for hope, when we saw July fast approaching with NO Fetes in sight, No launching of Costumes by Mass bands, No new Calypso Release, No Jumpy or Groovy tunes rocking the airwaves, we knew its was all over.

We drove by MYST Mansion it was CLOSED, we then went to check INSANE’s Camp they too were CLOSED, Xclusive, Mystic’s, Revellers Mass Camps ALL CLOSED, with one last dash of Hope we decided to visit Antigua Recreation Grounds with the hope it was all a dream, but there was no Stage, No Sound System, not even the security at the gate. My my my Covid Cancelled Carnival. Â